Friday 7 December 2012

Day 22 to 25 Chiang Mai

After beautiful LP off to Chiang Mai. I've been before but only briefly. Ths time we had 6 days but we decided to spend 3 days in the city and move outside for the next 3. Chiang Mai is another ancient city of culture with a wall, a moat around the old town and plenty of temples. But it's still a busy busy Thai city.

We arrived on Monday and were staying at the Raming Lodge just outside the city walls. It was an ok tourist hotel. Clean rooms, average hotel food and an ok bathroom.

We spent most nights wandering around the ' night market' which was about 800m from our hotel . This s the big draw for tourists. Lots and lots of stalls along a street and of in the squares of it. The main ones in the street sell lots of t shirts, silks, watches etc plenty of tat and some bargains. The squares on the sides have lots of craft markets with some lovely stuff. We spent a few Baht on paintings, a few souvenir t shirts etc.. ( which are now on the way home to mum).

It's also a great example of the changing face of Thailand as the Main Street has all of these Thai stalls flanked by the international brands of McDonald's, Starbucks, Boots etc..

We had a fantastic leg and foot massage in one of the squares. About 20 or 30 couches Laos around the square and what seemed like local Thais massaging your legs. Honestly it was brilliant . Afterwards your legs felt so loose.

Besides our night market experiences we watched a lady boy cabaret. Some of the characters are shown above doing a free street show.

Ang did a 1 day Thai cooking course and I played golf. We left central Chiang Mai yesterday to come here to the Mae Jo Golf Resort



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