Friday 21 December 2012

Sihanoukville - 18 to 22 December

Sihanoukville or Kompong Som as the locals call it is a comparatively new beach town. It is home to Cambodias only deep water port - hence the reason for its creation in 1950. It had reasoable investment up to the early 70s and then the civil war and Khmer Rouge put paid to it. its suppoably on the way back now as a destination beach resort.

In the guidebook it says '. With its stunning white sand beaches and azure waters' the local guidebook describes our local Victory beach as ' a fantastic small clean beach with just half a dozen bars offering beach snacks- various developments in the area make definitely a place to visit' . Really? REALLY?

If you are the kind of person who likes Benidorm ' go to Benidorm as its miles better than this'. If you are the kind of person whose skin crawls at the thought of Benidorm , this place would make you ill. Sadly it's bit of a dump without any quaint areas, or litter free areas and sprawls over 3 or 4 miles of murky , smelly litter strewn coastline. Do you get the impression I don't like it?

Independent monument. I'm sure it looked nice once. But it's now tired, unkempt and dirty.
A view from 'our hill' down towards 2 of the 'beaches' and downtown. It shows how sprawling the town is.
However, we came here for a 3 day rest prior to 3 weeks on the go in Myanmar. After a long 11 hour bus journey on Tuesday arriving at 11pm we arrived at Pagoda Rocks resort which sits on the hill overlooking town. It's out of the way and really lovely. Given what I've said about SK we are glad to be out of the way. We've got a bungalow - 1 of 15 - with plenty of space and our own balcony.
The hotel also has a lovely pool, nice restaurants and nice staff. A lovely place to unwind and relax for 3 days. And as you can see by my postings I've had plenty of time to get things up to date.
So if you do find yourselves in Sihanoukville it's worth staying here. But my advice is - do come to Sihanoukville . If you want tropical beaches on the Gulf of Thailand go to Thailand!


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